Ghost of Angels

Hi Friends,

How have you been? I've been busy shaking things up again. Just when you thought it was safe to say "Produced by" I have changed again.(Think I have an issue with stability? I'll have to look at that). 

But this time I'm settled! No really. I mean it! Really!

And it's all been wonderful learning, growing & stretching. Many hands make light work and tons of wonderful notes, licks & grooves have been lovingly turned into ones and zeros. And will soon be acquire-able by the multitudes. May you assemble freely.

The dear friend & collaborator helping to bring this project home is Richard Martinez of Light Body Music ( Richard is currently best known for his music work in films and I'm glad he's expanding/returning to record production with this project. He is very creative, has killer ears & burns on keyboard. (He is the organ/piano behind Carol Woods' singing in "Let it Be" in "Across the Universe" among other great cred's.) 

I've had the amazing Peter Calo (Carly Simon) laying down some sweet guitars and there'll be other surprises, too.

So, please stay tuned. The CD really will be called "Ghosts of Angels" and maybe I'll even explain that title if someone actually asks me. Oh, that's a little ploy to see if anyone is really reading this. If you are, feel free to let me know. 

I do look forward to sharing my new songs with you very soon! I'll post a few on myspace: by end of February. Promise!

Until then...Happy Being!
